Title: Love. Hope. Faith Anthology
Produced by: Vanessa Miller
Genre: Christian Inspirational, Non-Fiction
Paperback: 166 pages
Publisher: Praise Unlimited Enterprises, LLC (February 18, 2015)
ISBN-10: 1508505330
ISBN-13: 978-1508505334
Stories of Love, Hope and Faith line the pages of this spiritually uplifting anthology produced by bestselling author, Vanessa Miller. Love. Hope. Faith. will take you on a journey toward your happy place. The contributing writers of this anthology pour out their hearts to deliver soul-stirring, Godly stories of triumph. The Love. Hope. Faith. anthology will touch your heart as it allows you to believe again.

From Trust-less to Trustworthy - By: Yvette Wilson Bentley
"When I looked at my friendships with women and why I didn’t trust them, I realized that I had lots to unpack and examine. I was okay not trusting women, but I knew that living as a Christian meant that my attitude and mindset had to change. Was it something that I wanted to do? At first, absolutely not! But I knew that to be of service to God and His people, a change had to be made, so I became willing to be willing. "
Back At One - By: Kendy Ward
“God, You promised that if I served You, followed You with every fiber of my being, then You would restore my family. It’s been five years. I don’t doubt that You can do anything. You specialize in the impossible, but my faith is faltering.” Jason then prayed in his heavenly language.
I am not a man that I should lie. I will complete the good work I have begun.
Jason released a sigh of relief. “Thank You for hearing me. I’ll wait. However long it takes, I will wait.”
No Greater Love - By: Rita Moore
“A few weeks into my pregnancy the doctor told us, the medications I had been taking caused harm to our child, test showed abnormal fluid. He suggested we terminate the pregnancy, or prepare for a child with birth defects! I was devastated, but my husband reminded me of the God we serve! Abortion was not an option! We found a new doctor, a believer, a doctor who trusted the miracle working love of God! Nine months later we had a perfectly healthy baby girl!”
"On the day of my surgery, prior to being wheeled into surgery, the doctor took my hand and said, “It is my custom to pray with my patients prior to conducting surgery”. I have never known a doctor to do that! Everything happens for a reason. His prayer spoke of his faith and trust in God to guide his hands, and he prayed for my complete healing. I felt confident he was definitely the doctor I needed to perform the surgery. God said He perfects those things that concern us!”
Leap Into Your Destiny- By: Sherae Bell
One morning in late December, as I posted what I expected to be my last prayer to Facebook, my seven-year-old granddaughter, Anashija, ran into the room.
She stood beside me, put her arm around my neck and politely, but in a matter-of-fact manner, said, “Grandma, are you writing your God Notes?”
I did not realize that she had been paying attention. Surprised, I looked at her and said, “My God Notes?”
“Yes, Grandma, your God Notes!”
“Why did you call them my ‘God Notes’?”
She took a deep breathe, sighed and then said, “Grandma, because you write your notes to God every day.” She ran out of the room as if she had completed her mission to confirm that my postings had nothing to do with me and everything to do with God.
God’s timing is always perfect. Not until we acknowledge that it is just that, His timing, will we be able to live as He has designed. Every time I wanted to give up, He stopped me from waving the flag. I realized that God ordained my words. I knew that He had more work for me. God is faithful. He brings to fruition what He has ordained to be accomplished, no matter the package used to deliver it.
Courage To Stand- By Paulette Harper
Have you ever took a step of faith in what you believed you heard from God and got mid-way through and wanted to turn back, put the brakes on, put the car in reverse and start all over? You knew this was not the way you had envisioned your current situation. Everything you see before you tells you that somehow you’ve missed God. Fear settles in, doubt and anxiety comes knocking at your heart.
Prior to taking that step of faith, confidence in what you were doing was strong and un-quenching, yet all alone God knew exactly what trouble awaited you, what problems were in the making and He knew you would be in that place of doubt and disbelief.
In your mind, you began to question if God told you to do this, did you really hear God? For sure if God told you then there shouldn’t be any problems, no challenges, no regrets, right? On the contrary, it’s in those places that we can be assured that God has us right where He wants us. In places of trouble, in that wilderness, in that place where even His still quiet voice is not speaking. This place is where your faith will be stretched, the promises of God will be challenged or questioned. It’s in this place that going back seems like the better solution, at least that’s what your flesh wants you to believe. Clearly what’s in front is more difficult than what is behind.
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage - By: Valerie J. Lewis-Coleman
All eyes were on Jeanine as she took slow orchestrated steps toward the altar. The beaded embellishments on her tailored gown glistened in the sunrays that beamed through the cathedral windows. Every strand of her short bob was in place, Mac makeup flawless. The elegant bouquet of fresh-cut flowers bombarded her senses. For a brief moment, she stopped, closed her eyes, inhaled. The pianist seemed to strike the keys in sync with her racing heart. She opened her eyes and gazed down the aisle to see the groom poised, ready to meet his bride. A full smile washed across her face, she steadied her breathing. As she walked toward him, acknowledging each friend and family member with a glance, slight grin and head nod, she whispered a prayer.
“Father, I thank You for this beautiful day. Everything is coming together as planned; even the weather is perfect. I ask Your grace upon this union. Let it flourish. Keep away the naysayers. Divorce is not an option as this marriage will represent Your unconditional love. I count my request as done. I just have one question: When will it be my turn as bride? I’m happy for my girl, but…I’m tired of being alone, crying myself to sleep. Smiling at every man I meet, hoping, praying that he’s the one. I love my nieces and nephews, but I’m ready to be a mother. The official has shot the gun to start the foot race and I’m stuck in the blocks watching my girlfriends run ahead with husbands in tow. Why am I still single? What is it about me that keeps me on this side of matrimony?”
As the tears flowed, Jeanine took her place, two bridesmaids from the bride. She dabbed at the tears with a monogrammed handkerchief provided by the groomsman who escorted her.
As I Look Back - by: LaDawn Michelle
When I first got clean from drugs I learned in order to positively deal with any feelings I must first identify them. Today there is a popular saying going around “I felt some type of way.” That phrase doesn’t do anything to promote healing. “I feel some type of way” does not identify a feeling. You cannot heal emotionally by identifying with “feeling some type of way.” The only thing the statement does is give a voice to the fact that there is a dysfunction in your emotions. We must be careful that we do not allow our spirits to latch onto the commonalities society gives us that do not promote good emotional health by handicapping us with catchy phrases that mean absolutely nothing once they are dissected. One of the first tools I was given when I got clean from drugs was a feeling words list. In order to embark on a journey of emotional healing, one of your first steps may be to get a feeling word list and use it.
Triumphant Victory - by: Kyna Williams
My mind had been tainted to believe that all the good things in life only happened for the pretty girls with long hair or the children with both parents in the home. I believed the world was filled with two categories of people. One category consisted of “THOSE OTHER PEOPLE” who seemingly have no problems, no hidden secrets, or shameful pasts that stripped them of the freedom to live the “Good Life.” The second category consisted of the broken souls, filled with hopelessness, like me. I was void of even the faintest perception that I would one day have the opportunity to be one of “THOSE OTHER PEOPLE.” I had decided within myself that I was damaged goods. I carried with me the weight of emotional baggage my secretive fragile past had attached to me, limiting my ability to dream of a future where I would be free to live the “Good Life” or any type of life that did not require me to mask who I felt I really was beneath the surface of my glamorous facade. If anyone were to find out who I really was beneath it all, it would certainly result in the complete ruin of the flawless public façade I had mastered displaying.
The Visionary - by: Loureva Slade
“I need you all to trust me,” Pastor Gaines said as he tensely tapped his fingers on the table, unamused by Deacon Clemmons’ humor. “And if that is too difficult, trust that God has put me over this congregation and trust that He won’t allow me to do anything that doesn’t align with His will. Can you all just do that?”
Calling Authors, Motivational Speakers and Ministers of the Gospel…
With Volume 1 of the Love. Hope. Faith. Anthology complete, I am now in search of inspirational testimonies for Volume 2.
*Is your life a living testimony?
*Are you a new author looking for a way to break into the industry?
*Can you take a motivational speech and write something that will inspire readers?
*Has God put a burning desire to minister to His people in your heart?
Contact Vanessa Miller for submission guidelines: vanessa.praiseunlimited@gmail.com