Thursday, May 28, 2015

God I Say Thank You

Another one of those sleepless nights but all I can do is thank God because I know he is still in control. For so long I ran from the plan and purpose that God predestined for my life for several reasons:
  1. Because I could not understand why he chose me.
  2. Wasn't sure I could measure up to the task.
  3. Afraid of what others may think of me. 
God continues to show me daily that it doesn't matter what others may say it's just important to stay focus on him. In writing my first book: A Praying Heart my purpose was to inspire others to understand the different aspects of prayer while developing a deeper connection with him. Through the whole process God has always walked with me. I haven't been feeling the best lately but my love for God continue to grow my spiritual life and that's why I continue to push myself to keep gong no matter. 

In the past few weeks God has really showed me why I can never stop writing because:
  1. I have a testimony that he will allow me to share with the world when the time is right.
  2. In order to be one a servant I must remain humbled in all that I do.
  3. Speak words of hope and encouragement to those that are struggling or just looking to grow closer to him.
There have been so many that ask how in the world to you keep going with all you go though. My only response is: because God has not given up on me and he has allowed me to live far longer than the doctors quoted to me. Don't feel bad for me just take and thank God with me because I am healed and delivered because of his love, daily grace and mercy. 

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