Today I have the honor of sitting down and talking with my sister and mentor Imani Wisdom. Imani is the founder of Pink Noire Publications. Based in Indianapolis, IN, Pink Noire is a groundbreaking company with an unpredictable brand of literary storytelling. Imani is also the creator of Pink Noire Blog which hosts inspirational posts for the soul, along with social commentary. Born and raised in “Indy,” Wisdom spends her days overseeing a family of five, writing short stories and books, cooking vegan dishes, running 5Ks and mini-marathons, and enjoying quality time with her friends and family.
Imani Wisdom is a graduate of Ivy Tech Community College, earning a degree in Paralegal Studies. She is a prolific storyteller whose works depict an honest portrayal of societal issues. As a blogger and author, she has received numerous honors including 2012 nominee for Poet of the Year (AAMBC Book Club), March 2012 Up and Coming Author (The Writer’s POV Magazine), September 2011 Blog of the Month (The Writer’s POV Magazine), and February 2011 Editor’s Pick (BlackShortStories.com) for her short story, The Shattered Mogul. Her works include Zion’s Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption, and her upcoming debut novel, The Journey of Ruthie Belle.
Can you tell us more about Imani the author?
The author? I'm a Women's and Contemporary writer. I also love to play with the Paranormal and Erotica genres. I'm unorthodox -- I don't follow the status quo when it comes to writing. I write just without outlines; I go with the flow.
You were a lot of hats. an you introduce us to Imani Wisdom CEO of Pink Noire? Tell us how it was founded and your mission?
Pink Noire was initially "Wickedly Sweet Ink". I had to amend the name because of how it was pronounced by a man from the bank, and my kids thought it was suggestive; such as, I write porn. Thus, the "pink and black" brand was born -- Pink Noire.
My mission, besides using the name and logo on my books, it's also an open-door for authors to have their platforms. I have big plans for Pink Noire, but I can't say what they are. Trust me, you won't be surprised.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years personally/professionally?
To be have my own practice as an Intellectual Property Attorney, as well as having seeing my dream Pink Noire come to life.
As a published author what have you learned about yourself since you started your career? Is there anything you would change?
I discovered since being on this journey that I have amazing strength, and patience. I mean, really, ten years is long freakin' time to publish anything. I could've said "forget this" and threw my hands up and returned to mediocrity. But no, I continued to fight and write, and cried some, but kept writing until I made it here -- this discussion.
As for what I would change? I would go back and look for a mentor and save my money, because what we're doing is a business. And you can't start a business broke and with bad credit. If anything, whomever is starting their dream as a writer or author, please do research and make sure you have a true business mind. As my daughter says all the time, business is math!
What inspires you to keep writing and when did you pen your first book?
My inspiration comes from disappointments, anger, and the need to express myself when there is injustice. More importantly, I get inspired from everyday people and things; they are a major source of my material. As for my book, I penned my first ten years with Zion's Road.
When did you first discover your gift for writing?
At eight years old. I wrote my first song lyrics, and thought it was so good, I submitted to a company I've never heard of and did not copywrite a word. But, they did send me a contract to record them. Unfortunately, my uncle who happens to be a lawyer, told my mom it was scam. So, that was my disappointment as writer. lol
Do you have a playlist that you listened when writing The Journey to Ruthie Belle? If so can you share it?
Can you tell us more about Imani the author?
The author? I'm a Women's and Contemporary writer. I also love to play with the Paranormal and Erotica genres. I'm unorthodox -- I don't follow the status quo when it comes to writing. I write just without outlines; I go with the flow.
You were a lot of hats. an you introduce us to Imani Wisdom CEO of Pink Noire? Tell us how it was founded and your mission?
Pink Noire was initially "Wickedly Sweet Ink". I had to amend the name because of how it was pronounced by a man from the bank, and my kids thought it was suggestive; such as, I write porn. Thus, the "pink and black" brand was born -- Pink Noire.
My mission, besides using the name and logo on my books, it's also an open-door for authors to have their platforms. I have big plans for Pink Noire, but I can't say what they are. Trust me, you won't be surprised.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years personally/professionally?
To be have my own practice as an Intellectual Property Attorney, as well as having seeing my dream Pink Noire come to life.
As a published author what have you learned about yourself since you started your career? Is there anything you would change?
I discovered since being on this journey that I have amazing strength, and patience. I mean, really, ten years is long freakin' time to publish anything. I could've said "forget this" and threw my hands up and returned to mediocrity. But no, I continued to fight and write, and cried some, but kept writing until I made it here -- this discussion.
As for what I would change? I would go back and look for a mentor and save my money, because what we're doing is a business. And you can't start a business broke and with bad credit. If anything, whomever is starting their dream as a writer or author, please do research and make sure you have a true business mind. As my daughter says all the time, business is math!
What inspires you to keep writing and when did you pen your first book?
My inspiration comes from disappointments, anger, and the need to express myself when there is injustice. More importantly, I get inspired from everyday people and things; they are a major source of my material. As for my book, I penned my first ten years with Zion's Road.
When did you first discover your gift for writing?
At eight years old. I wrote my first song lyrics, and thought it was so good, I submitted to a company I've never heard of and did not copywrite a word. But, they did send me a contract to record them. Unfortunately, my uncle who happens to be a lawyer, told my mom it was scam. So, that was my disappointment as writer. lol
Do you have a playlist that you listened when writing The Journey to Ruthie Belle? If so can you share it?
Mary J. Blige - No More Drama:
Mary Mary: Yesterday
Erica Campbell - A Little More Jesus
If you were asked to write a short story based on your journey as an author, what would it be?
The name of it? "The Woman Who Finally Got it Right". The context of the story will be the same as Ruthie's: perseverance and determination, and all with a happy ending.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, Stephen King, Sapphire, and Sistah Souljah, just to name a few.
When you are not writing, what do you like to read?
I love reading nonfiction, because I enjoy reading strong point of view on the certain issues. Right now, I'm reading Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow'.
Who are your creative influences?
Surprisingly, my influences stretches beyond authors, but strong figures of our lifetime. There's Oprah, of course, Maya Angelou, Alicia Keys, and Mary J. Blige, just to name a few.
Do you have an anticipate release date for The Journey to Ruthie Belle's?
No, particular date. I hate making promises. I'll just say in two weeks.
How long did it take for you to develop Ruthie Belle's character?
One minute. LOL! She was Harold love's grandmother, and added her in. However, in her story, it didn't take long to develop Ruthie's background. I'm character-driven, so wherever a character goes, I go.
For those that have not read Zion's Road can you please share the inspiration behind the story?
There was enough inspiration to share with another author. I found it from the Sean Bell case in New York, my aunt, who passed away in 2003, and years of racial injustice. But, this story has been on my heart since I was young girl. I've always wanted to write about love story of overcoming impossible challenging -- and think Harold's fits that category.
Do you have any future projects that you would like to share with us?
Well, I'm hoping to have this play produced soon, since I've written three manuscripts that proceeds it. If not, I have other manuscripts in my library. But I really prefer to have this play come to life, it has an amazing story.
Connect with Imani Wisdom
Website: www.imaniwisdom.com
Goggle +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ImaniWisdomOfficial
Facebook: www.facebook.com/imaniwisdom.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/imani_wisdom
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6522611.Imani_Wisdom
When l hear the name Imani Wisdom I think of strength, compassion, mentor, and encourager.
To view the entire interview with Imani visit the Facebook Event Page
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