Robert C. Sua a.k.a. Apollo The Dreamer is a poet, author, performer, and urban clothes designer. Performing in various venues in his home state of North Carolina, he continues to venture out as he takes his writing and apparel on the road with him. He is the author of Apollo’s Abyss, The Allurement of Apollo, and now releasing his third book Summer Nights. He plans on continuously adding to his Allurement Collection. When he is not with his family, friends, writing, or working on new ideas for his brand, he travels the country; gaining new inspiration, from life experiences. No matter what he goes through in life, he will continue to find ways to incorporate lessons into his life.
The things Apollo enjoys reading is nothing similar to his writing. He enjoys articles relating to politics, social issues, and spiritual awareness. He also enjoys African history and stories of Kings. He’s a conspiracy theorist; so most of his time reading is spent finding fact or fiction about world events. Apollo writes to self-express, and reflect on himself. Although he’s not perfect, his writing gives him a chance to get a glance at the man in the mirror. Having the ability to transpose his thoughts and ideas into poems, allow his readers to compare and contrast; giving his readers a different spin to a situation, and taking words, as he puts them in motion. For Apollo, reading is fundamental.
What happens when your patience turns into frustration...from that frustration grows anger... unsettled anger…you begin to feel the rage...starting to feel your dreams have been caged…the goals you set for yourself…seem too far way to be obtained…all the things you told yourself…you try to obtain…telling yourself…you will try to find better ways…when all you want are results…but things are no longer in your hands…but things are no longer in your hands…the idea of starting over again…when you don’t have much to your name…liquor no longer affects your liver…the taste of beer is no longer bitter…you question if revenge would be a lil sweeter…am I wrong to allow these thoughts to linger…everyone around me is moving along…and life seems to continue…all you’re left with are views of the things you desire…as you stare out this window…quiets nights praying to God…telling yourself…all you have to do is…continue to push through…constantly rubbing these dimes and nickels…questioning yourself…what more can you do…encouraging words…no longer seem to seep through…knowing you’re only human…knowing the difference between right and wrong…but the lines get blurred…you feel they need to feel you…an eye for an eye…we’re losing our sight…due to your lack of awareness…you don’t know how you've changed my life…never been here before…forced to see things in the darkest of nights…standing alone under the moon…there were no stars…only the moonlight…a few dreams I’ve never dreamt…ensuring you…they’ve caused fright…moments left to decipher…exactly what they’ve meant…posed questions with no answers…left with thoughts like these.
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