Thursday, August 27, 2015

Author Interview with Brynette L. Turner

Today I have the honor of interviewing Brynette L Turner.

LaToya: If you could choose a famous African American who has impacted your life who would it be and why?
Brynette: I admire Michelle Obama. I’ve met her as well as seen her in public roles. She is the epitome of grace under fire. Not only is she brilliant, she’s also insightful, dedicated to her family, supportive of her husband’s ambitions, competent in her own goals and agendas, and classy in her response to unbelievable hostility. By observing her, I’ve been encouraged to stick to my goals and not be distracted by obstacles that are ultimately insignificant.

LaToya: Where are you from? Where do you live now?
Brynette: I’m from East Cleveland, Ohio and currently live in Columbus.

LaToya: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? 
Brynette: Yes, I always wanted to be a writer. As a very young child, reading was my passion and I had a very vivid imagination. When I was 12, the writing bug bit me and I knew that creating stories that people enjoy was what I wanted to do with my life.

LaToya: When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? 
Brynette: I started writing when I was 12 and still have a file folder of short stories and plot ideas from my teen years. About 10 years ago, I finished my first novel but didn’t publish it. That was Time for Tenderness and it was the second book I published, along with its sequel Monica’s Healing in July of 2014. The first book I published was Detour in May of 2014. Since then, I’ve completed a series with the books released in October 2014, June 2015, and September 2015 (currently available to pre-order).

LaToya: How did you choose the genre you write in? 
Brynette: I’m a true optimist and have always believed in happy endings. Also, there were a lot of unhealthy relationships in my life that encouraged me to imagine that people could actually be loyal, compassionate, and honest with the persons they claim to love. Romance was the perfect genre for me.

LaToya: Where do you get your ideas? 
Brynette: My ideas can come from anything in my life. I tend to visualize situations and songs, and that leads me to imagining scenes or subjects that would make good stories or parts of plots.  

LaToya: Name one book that you would categorize as a life changing read. 
Brynette: The Chronicles of Narnia. It examines relationships, motivations, good triumphing over evil, and spirituality. People can actually gain a better understanding of themselves.

LaToya: Who is your favorite author? 
Brynette: I don’t have a favorite author. Since I read most books on my Kindle, the names of the authors and books aren’t constantly visible. I read and compartmentalize the story and move on.

LaToya: Name one book you wish you’d written. 
Brynette: The Autobiography of Malcolm X

LaToya: Tell us about your latest book. 
Brynette: My newest release is Heart Shadows. It’s the third book in my romantic suspense series. While it’s a stand-alone book, it is the continuation of the love story and partnership between Stephanie who is a psychic and her FBI Special Agent husband, Chaz. In this book, Chaz is increasingly dissatisfied with his job because he’s constantly forced into dangerous situations that cause Stephanie stress because she has visions about the details of his investigations. He wants to quit, but she thinks that would be a mistake. As he is pulled into another complicated investigation, their perspectives drift further and further apart until it causes tension that neither of them are sure how to address.

LaToya: How can readers connect with you?
Brynette: I am on Facebook, Twitter, my own website, and I have a monthly newsletter. There are various ways to purchase my book, including stores on my website for e-books and autographed paperbacks.
Amazon (e-books) =
CreateSpace (paperbacks) =
Website and book for autographed paperbacks =
Amazon Author Page =

LaToya: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Brynette: I always tell authors to make as many author friends as possible. Join groups, forums, and newsletters. Write reviews and email the links to your posts to the authors you like and maybe you’ll be able to start relationships with them. Add them to your Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest friends lists. These authors have valuable information and many are willing to guide a newbie through the steps of finding publishing and promoting instructions and writing articles. Don’t get discouraged by authors who don’t have the time or desire to be helpful because there are others who will. Engage as much as possible. Ask questions in Facebook groups that are set up for writers. Share the article you find that are helpful to you and others. Network. Network. Network. 

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