Saturday, September 2, 2017

Virtual Tour Interview: Real Love by Sheena Binkley

Creative Expressions Literary Services is pleased to announce Virtual Book Tour for Real Love by Sheena Binkley. The tour will run August 27-September 2, 2017.

Publication Date: May 3, 2017

Publisher: SBinkley Publishing

Genre: African-American Romance, Contemporary Romance, African-American Women’s Fiction, African-American Drama & Plays

Paperback: 230 pages

Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

When I first entered this industry four years ago, I didn’t know what to expect. The first story that I released (In Love With My Best Friend) was a bit nerve-wrecking, but it was also something that I never imagined myself doing. Four years and 30 books later, I don’t see myself slowing down at all. I love what I do, which I will continue to do for the rest of my life.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I have set a lot of goals for my career, including writing more books (of course), doing more writing events, and doing a collaboration with some of my favorite authors. I also would like to rebrand my publishing company.

What are you working on at the minute?

Currently, I have a new book coming out at the end of August, which is a novella to the Something Just Ain’t Right series. I’m also working on the third book in The Love Chronicles series, How Deep Is Your Love.

Are you a pantser, plotter, a little of both?

Honestly, I’m a bit of both. When I already have ideas for a new story, I do try to plot so I can have a better understanding to how I want to write the story. Sometimes, I just go with the flow and write what is on my mind. I have done that in the past, which turned out to be great stories.

Do you have any tech tools that help you with your output?

The only thing I use is my computer or iPad. Majority of the time, I’ll just write with pen and paper and rewrite everything on my computer.

Do you put yourself on a schedule with a word or page count goal?

I usually don’t. Sometimes, when I do have a schedule in mind for my word count, it never works, because I might write more than expected. I usually just go with the flow when it comes to my word or page count.

Where do you do most of your writing?

I mainly will write at home in my bed, but majority of the time, I’m at work, so I’ll try to sneak some writing there.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

My advice to aspiring writers is to be true to yourself. There will be a lot of naysayers who feel your work isn’t good enough or is not like another author, but everyone has their own identity. You shouldn’t be like anyone else in the industry; try to establish a brand that you are proud of. Not everyone will be supportive, and that’s okay. As some people say, “just do you”.

When did you decide to become a writer?

I decided to become a writer when I was nine after doing a project for school. It was the first time I have ever written a story, but it wouldn’t be my last. Ever since then, I created series and short stories about myself and my friends. I loved writing then and I still do now.

Do you write full-time or part-time?

I try to write full-time, along with working full-time. It is definitely a struggle, lol, but I don’t regret it.

With this being your 12th book you must have figured out a way to be so prolific.

No matter who many books I have released, that feeling of anxiety never gets old. I still get nervous close to the release date, and I start to question myself while writing a story; but with my readers, I know how they are with my books, and they have all been so supportive of me and my changing writing styles. Even though my following is small, they are really wonderful, which I truly appreciate.

I always love hearing about an author's writing process so can you tell us about some bits of yours?

I honestly don’t have a writing process. I do plot and plan when I can, but usually, I’ll just go with the flow with my writing. If I have a bunch of ideas in my head, I will stop whatever I’m doing to write it, because I know I’ll forget it. If I’m in the zone, I will spend the entire day writing, because I don’t know when I’ll have that time again. So it kind of varies for me.

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

I think my creativity has changed a lot throughout my writing career. I have learned a lot and it has helped me grow and become more creative with my storyline and characters.

What is the hardest thing about writing?

The hardest thing about writing can sometimes be the amount of time I have to write. Since I do have a full-time job, there can be times when I don’t feel like writing, especially when I’d worked a 11-hour shift. I do try to find a balance between working and writing, though. It has work for the most part, but I’m still learning.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

At first, it took me a couple of weeks to write a full novel; now it takes about a month and an half to two months to write a book.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years?

In five years, I hope I’ll have a title on the New York Times best-sellers list, as well as do more author events. I also want to see my publishing company flourish and be more recognizable in the African-American romance genre.

In 10 years, I would love to have my own bookstore, as well as writing completely full-time (no more 9 to 5 job, lol!).

What other genres do you write?

I mainly write in Romance, but a like to switch up on the sub-genres: African-American Women’s Fiction, Interracial, New Adult, and Urban.

Did you do any research for the book? If so, how did you do it? (searching Internet, magazines, other books, etc.)

I do research when it’s on a topic that I’m not familiar with; when I do, it’ll be mainly on the Internet.

What about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Real Love is all about being in love, but wondering if love can overcome anything. With Riana and Shawn, the two experience a lot throughout the story, and it test their love for each other as well as individually. I think anyone who reads this will relate to this couple’s struggles and whether love can stand the test of time.

Do you have a saying or motto for your life and/or as a writer?

My motto is to be true to myself. This was something that I have struggled with throughout my writing career. There have been times when I did compare myself to other authors, wondering what am I doing wrong and why no one really read my stories. But the one thing I had to realize is that not everyone is alike, and I should follow my heart and write what makes me happy. If my writing is not for everyone, then that’s fine, but I know I do have an audience out there that does love my stories. So I continue to think about that and put my all into everything that I write.

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