Sunday, October 18, 2015

Author Interview with Rhovonda Brown

LaToya: If you could choose a famous African American who has impacted your life who would it be and why?
Rhovonda: I cannot chose a famous person who has impacted my life, because there hasn’t been any. However, my late grandmother, Mildred Harrell, has impacted my life. She saw the horrible state I was in, noticed my abuse and took me in. She loved me as if she gave birth to me and introduced me to Christ.

LaToya: Where are you from? Where do you live now?
Rhovonda: I’m a Houstonian. I live in Houston, Texas.

LaToya: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? 
Rhovonda: No. When I was a little girl, I probably thought about writing poetry. Maybe even had a poetry notebook (don’t have a clue to where it is). I’m horrible with poetry. Being a writer didn’t become a reality and a passion for me until the Lord allowed me to birth a devotional ministry, Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom!

LaToya: When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? 
Rhovonda: I first started writing seriously in 2010. Around 2003, I began journaling and realized I found my voice whenever I wrote. It became very comforting to me. My first book wasn’t completed until 2012 and wasn’t published and available to the public until November 2014.

LaToya: How did you choose the genre you write in? 
Rhovonda: Actually, the Lord chose this genre for me. If it’s His will and once I release all of my devotional books, I will write Christian romance novels (because I’m in love with LOVE).

LaToya: Where do you get your ideas? 
Rhovonda: I get my ideas from life. The Lord inspires me to write what’s going on around me, what I’m experiencing, the battles I’m facing. Sounds selfish, but the Lord allows my discomfort – my pain to be the channel to comfort others. He also tells me what to write after reading His Word.

LaToya: Name one book that you would categorize as a life changing read. 
Rhovonda: The only book that changes my life, daily, is the Holy Bible. Every time I read it and apply it, I’m changed for the better. The Bible shows me the real me.

LaToya: Who is your favorite author? 
Rhovonda: Judith McNaught (fiction-romance), Warren Wiersbe (Christian theologian) and Sophie Kinsella (comedy).

LaToya: Name one book you wish you’d written. 
Rhovonda: Right now, there isn’t a book I wished I’d written.

LaToya: Tell us about your latest book. 
Rhovonda: My latest book is entitled, At Least Say, “Thank You!” I’m excited to say, it’s a short book packed with 8 inspiring devotionals to motivate the reader to remember to tell God thank you. The title was inspired from conversations I often have with my children about being grateful. I’m honored and still blown away that God has allowed my first, Walking in Freedom!, and my second book to be an Amazon Kindle Bestsellers. And He has allowed my second book to become No. 1 on Amazon Kindle Bestseller List!

LaToya: How can readers connect with you?
Rhovonda: I love connecting with readers. I’m on Social Media: Twitter, Periscope, Instagram and Instapray using the handler @marthamary3. The rest of my links are below:
Google+ :
Facebook or .
They can also reach me on the web via my ministry (Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom!) and my personal website:
Look me up, I would love to connect with all of you!

LaToya: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Rhovonda: Believe in yourself when others don’t. Celebrate each milestone. Others may not understand, but celebrate anyway. Don’t listen to naysayers. Don’t listen to negativity. Don’t share your dreams with everyone because everyone cannot handle your dreams. Don’t give up on your dreams. It will be difficult, but it will be worth it. It may take a long time, but don’t quit. You deserve it! Most importantly, keep God first in all you do and trust His guidance. He wants the best for you and He will always make everything work out for your good.

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