Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Passion To Empower Others: Imani Wisdom

Today I have the honor of sitting down and talking with my sister and mentor Imani Wisdom.  Imani is the founder of Pink Noire Publications.  Based in Indianapolis, IN, Pink Noire is a groundbreaking company with an unpredictable brand of literary storytelling.   Imani is also the creator of Pink Noire Blog.  

When l hear the name Imani Wisdom  I think of strength, compassion, mentor,and encourager. It is an honor to have her back to talk about the upcoming Urban Ebook Fair Facebook Event that’s coming up this week.

Ideas are often misunderstood and confusing to those who can’t see what you see. To them, you’re a dreamer. But in truth, like many great thinkers, it’s called a visionary.

The difference between the two is simply this: Dreamers will come up ideas, and yet they think about their limitations, while visionaries pursue what they see despite the limitations.

A year ago, I was in an abysmal mess. My dream as an author was waning and my blog had come close to crumbling. I couldn’t even strum the tiniest bit of inspiration since I hadn’t written a word in months. At the time I felt I needed to throw in the towel and move on.

Worse, my attitude toward my colleagues was plummeting. Every time I would read someone’s post of accomplishing a goal or dream, or enjoying the fruits of their labor, I would roll my eyes and suck my teeth. “How dare they” I would huff.

Yes, I know; what a horrible way to support other artists.

Then one day, I had this revelation. It didn’t come in dramatic fashion like you’ll see on TV with a voice rolling above the clouds like thunder, or seeing a mysterious shadow appearing from nowhere warning me to behave. Rather, it was my conscience reminding me of this Maya Angelou quote: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”
And so after little reluctance of listening to my own truth, I began to brainstorm ideas for anything! Then after weeks of thinking and sorting, and sorting and thinking, my blogzine “The Pink Noire Lounge” had opened its doors to the hottest and talented artists.

Was I satisfied? Absolutely not!

The Lounge had become a welcoming place for artists to have their platforms for a day. But I wanted more. I felt these artists deserved bigger; I mean bigger than just words and eye-catching graphics. And so, after being inspired by other virtual book fairs, I began the Urban Ebook Fair.
The #UEBFair (twitter hastag) is an event celebrating artists of all facets, whether they are a novice or seasoned in their field, this three-day, get-together showcases imperial talent for art lovers everywhere. The great thing about this fair, you can enjoy it from the comforts of your home.
This week the fair returns with a new feature called, The Honorees. There will be six individuals being recognized for their talent, along with a Q&A given by the fair’s co-host LaToya Murchison, hundreds of patrons in attendance, and me.

I hope you’ll join us on October 30 thru November 1 on Facebook. If you would like more information follow me on Twitter: @imani_wisdom and Facebook under imaniwisdom.

Now, see, what I did tell you about visions? No limitations.

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