Monday, September 14, 2015

Author Interview with Sheena Binkley

LaToya: If you could choose a famous African American who has impacted your life who would it be and why?
Sheena: I would say Maya Angelou. She was a great poet and pioneer for women authors. She had a presence to her to no one could duplicate. Also, for me, she was an inspiration to look up to.

LaToya: Where are you from? Where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Houston, TX. I still live in Houston, but in the sub city Missouri City.

LaToya: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? 
Sheena: Not necessarily. When I first started writing, I was doing it more as a hobby and not thinking about it as a career. I didn’t become serious about making it into a career until four years ago.

LaToya: When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? 
Sheena: I first started writing when I was nine while working on a class project. As time went, I continued to write because I loved to create new characters and develop storylines that were entertaining. Although I have written a lot of books, I developed my first major release in 2012 and published it in 2013.

LaToya: How did you choose the genre you write in? 
Sheena: Majority of the stories I have written are in genres that I would normally read. From romance to urban, I enjoy the stories that are in these genres, so of course I wanted to write stories that I could relate to. The biggest genre that I loved to write in is new adult and I developed an entire series around it (Love, Life, & Happiness series).

LaToya: Where do you get your ideas? 
Sheena: Majority of my ideas come from my imagination. The only stories that I developed that came from personal experiences would be Love Unbroken and Reclaiming What Is Mine (which were loosely based).

LaToya: Name one book that you would categorize as a life changing read. 
Sheena: I think anyone can agree that the Bible is a life changing read. It can take you various emotions and be closer to God while reading the word. For me, if I only had one book to read, that that would be the book for me.

LaToya: Who is your favorite author? 
Sheena: I have a lot of favorite authors, which include Carl Weber, Victoria Christopher Murray, and newer authors, including Delaney Diamond, Raven St. Pierre, Christina C. Jones, and Chenell Parker.

LaToya: Name one book you wish you’d written. 
Sheena: Wow, there’re a lot, but I would say “She Ain’t The One” by Carl Weber and Mary B. Morrison. That book had everything in it which I loved. That was also the first book I read from Carl Weber, which had me hooked on his writing ever since.

LaToya: Tell us about your latest book. 
Sheena: Reclaiming What Is Mine is a romance story with a few twists. It’s about finding love despite having obstacles in your way. With the main characters, Asia and Bryon, they have a lot against them, but the love they have for each other is strong enough to get through all of the issues. If you’re a romantic at heart, then this is the book for you.

LaToya: How can readers connect with you?
Sheena: Readers can connect with me at the following:
Twitter: @ChevonBink

LaToya: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Sheena: The advice I would give aspiring authors is to never give up on your dreams. This industry can be tough and can cause you to sometime doubt yourself; but despite the obstacles, keep pushing and never stop writing.

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