Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Book Spotlight: Plan It by Sharon Lucas

“Book signings, launches, readings and author chats
are usually small and intimate affairs. These small
to medium sized events are held in homes, libraries,
or bookstores and can be planned and executed in 30-
60 days. Planning and hosting a small event is an
excellent way to introduce your (book) club to the 
community and to begin to develop your event planning skills.

Large events such as author expos, fairs, festivals,
and conferences are more complex to plan and usually
require six months to a year of planning. These more
complex events include from a few to several dozen
authors, workshops, seminars, panel discussions,
speakers and possibly a meal.

For all-size events, it is imperative to develop
detailed plans on how you will reach your target
audience as well as how you will promote the event
and sell tickets. The event you host must be an
event your target audience WANTS to support and
can afford….”

Meet Author Sharon Lucas

My name is Sharon Lucas and I am the founder of the Reading Divas Book Club, host and planner of the Black Authors & Readers Rock Weekend an annual two-day literary conference, and a recent author. My husband and I are retired and live in Bowie, MD. Since my retirement in 2010, I have worked tirelessly as an advocate for African American authors and book clubs.

I don’t have a favorite author nor has any one author inspired my journey, but I do love to read a well-written book, especially if it’s suspense or mystery. What has and continues to inspire me are all of the African American authors and readers who take pride in what they write and read.  There is no substitute for a well-written book, especially when you can see people who look like you in the characters.

My first work “Plan It! The Complete Resource Guide for Authors, Book Clubs and Literary Event Planners” contains what I believe are “best practices” that I learned and developed in my quest to host a well planned and memorable literary event. 

I am passionate in my desire to support the often overworked, overlooked and underrated African American author and provide channels for them to present their work. 
I am also proud to be one of 20 talented authors whose short stories appear in the recently released anthology “The Ex Chronicles”. I am currently working on my first full-length novel.

I am available to attend book club meetings and events as a panelist, moderator or exhibitor.

You can reach me at

On Facebook at
Upcoming Events

May 14 in Landover, MD
The Prince George’s Spring Book Festival

October 14-15, 2016
The Black Authors & Readers Rock Weekend

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